It seems like every time when we visit Bob's dad in the nursing home where he lives, it never fails that as we enter with a very heavy heart, somehow through the grace of God, we leave with a smile on our faces, a lighter heart and even some laughter.
Each time we visit, we take Quincy with us and you'd think some of the patients were kids again. You can just see the joy gush from almost everyone. They talk to him, pet him and thoroughly enjoy watching him scour the floor for food if he's never been fed.
I swear we should've named him Hoover!
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I'm going to digress for just a minute. During our last visit, one of the sweetest little old women who we'll call "Mary", was parked in the middle of the hallway chatting with another resident. "Mary" emphatically says to the other resident, "Did you see that man?!". To which the other resident says, "no". "Mary" exclaims, "WELL, HE was just about ready to EXPOSE himself!! That's disgusting!".
We nearly cracked up as we over heard that conversation! It was quite funny.
A little while later, some of the male residents were in the hallway gushing over Quincy. One man in particular had squatted down so that he could reach Q to pet him. Meanwhile, one other gentleman shuffled by us and let one RIP to the high heavens!! Upon hearing that thunderous noise, the gentleman that was squatting yelled, "What the h*!! was THAT noise??? Must've been the dog!!"
Bob and I just about rolled on the floor laughing!
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This time during our, we blended in with the group during activity time which was a huge step (of calm) for Bob's dad - can you say HALLELUIAH! Suddenly, one of the residents became quite enamored with Bob, even interrupting the activities leader who was in the middle of a mini trivia game. The gentleman spoke loudly and directly to Bob asking, "ARE YOU A FOOTBALL PLAYER??" He said that if Bob was a football player, he certainly would never want to mess with him.
The man continued to ask Bob if he played football for Penn State and if Bob had made All American yet - this happened about every two minutes (sorry activities director). As Bob was petting Quincy who was perched on his lap, the man continued to ask Bob if his nickname was the "Gentle Giant", with a deep, loud, boisterous laugh to follow!
We couldn't help but laugh each time because the man was dead serious!
A few minutes into the football player discussion, one of the residents needed a hand maneuvering her wheelchair. So Bob being the kind soul that he is, assisted the woman and repositioned her chair. Suddenly, the football gentleman spoke up and said to the resident, "YOU SHOULD BE HONORED, YOU'RE BEING PUSHED BY AN ALL-AMERICAN!!!"
Next, the same boisterous man asked, "ARE YOU OVER OR UNDER 300?" We weren't sure what he meant for sure so we said under, thinking he was asking about Bob's weight!! We think perhaps the man saw Bob as a "giant" compare to my small stature??
Again, we were nearly in stitches!
Suddenly, as we were enjoying a few moments of laughter, it occurred to us how easy it was to forget about our surroundings of the secure dementia unit.
Through this very difficult time in our family we have realized that each day is a precious gift from God and we hope that by sharing of these reflections it will provide some light in a very heavy world that we live in.
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