Thursday, August 25, 2011

frisbee time!

Like his predecessor, Spencer, Quincy is really big into Frisbee time which is great because that means plenty of playtime! We're shocked at how many characteristics Q shares with Spence - it's like he's been reincarnated (which, of course, we know he hasn't!).  This little guy just continues to amaze us.

Unfortunately, though, we I  did break the "no accidents" streak that we had going.  Two three minor accidents so far which is still not bad - he's a work in progress but aren't we all??

p.s. I know that I need to work on my "action" shots!  Remember, I'm a work in progress too!
Gotta love a Frisbee catchin', Frisbee playin', Frisbee chasin' pup!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. He's sooo little! Just want to snuggle with him :0) I'm sure his accidents will stop -- sounds like he's doing pretty well so far!
