Friday, July 13, 2012

It's all about the tools...

Isn't that the truth, especially when you're talking about "hand-shoveling" 10+ ton of stone!  Seriously, have you SEEN 10 ton of stone lately??  Hand-shoveling it really wasn't my idea of a great way to start Bob's vaca or any other day, for that matter but that WAS dear hubby's plan...until I stuck my nose into his biz.  It was time to make some calls to see if we I could turn this project into a 20 minute deal instead of a 3 day, back-breaking deal!  That's how we women roll, or at least this LW (little woman)...sometimes we just have to take matters into our own hands.  :-)

Hmmmm, Mr. Shovel vs. Mr. Kubota (it's a no-brainer to me, what do you think?!)...
A little here...
and a little there (check out his wheelie-bar, ie., his bucket)...
and you have THIS...
I think we may add a few creeping junipers someday just for some color.  

LOVE IT, thank you so much, Chris!!  You saved the day, maybe actually two or three; and Bob's back too!

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