I'm happy to report that it arrived today! Unfortunately, you have to fill it yourself which is no biggie because Walmart sells the beans.
Bob was unusually bored today - what a perfect task for him, right? Or so I thought...
Here's a snippet from our conversation about it (which took place over about a 15-20 minute period).
Me: Honey, if you're bored to tears, you could go to Walmart and buy the beans to fill my beanbag.
Bob: How many beans does it take?
Me: I don't know, check the paper that came with the beanbag.
Bob (reading the instructions which rarely happens): It says it takes 350 liters of beans. I think we ought to go to Sam's club to buy the beans and by the way, I think we may need a pickup truck to haul the beans home!
Me (only half listening because I was busy working): We don't have a Sam's Club membership, just get them from Walmart!
Bob: We use 50# bags of beans at work and I can tell you that's going to take 3 or 4 of those bags to fill that thing!
Me: Huh?!
Bob: HOW in the world are you going to lift this thing once it's full??
Me: It's going to be light as a feather, well, practically that light!
Bob: How's it going to be that light with all those beans in it??
Me: It's not going to weigh that much once you put the bean bag fill in it...like the other beanbag we have!
Bob: What kind of beans are YOU putting in it because the ones we use weigh quite a bit!
Me: The poly-styro type of beans, what are YOU talking about?!
Bob: (LIGHTBULB moment) OH, you mean bean bag fill NOT beans in a bag!! Sorry, I just had a severe blonde moment!!!
Lesson of the day - be thorough in your explanation so you don't end up with 200 lbs of beans in your bag!