Tuesday, March 13, 2012

TICKS me right off!

I guess it's that time of year again when we need to be extremely vigilant about scanning our bodies and the bodies of our family (and family pets) for, you guessed it...TICKS!  Unfortunately, Quincy had his very first encounter with a tick this morning!  I'm SO thankful that I decided to bend over and pet him this a.m. when he meandered my way and placed his front paws up on my leg waiting for me to pet him. 

THIS is the remnants of the spot approximately six hours after Bob carefully pulled the disgusting tick out of Q's shoulder blade (just typing those words gives me the heeby jeebies!)  I didn't want to thoroughly gross you out by showing you the nasty crater right after the tick removal so I purposely waited til now to show you!

A little dab of Frontline should help to deter those pesky ticks - too bad they don't make Frontline for humans - maybe we'd have less Lyme Disease to worry about!  I'm so glad they make a Lyme vaccination for pets but unfortunately, you can never be too careful when it comes to ticks!

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