Monday, August 6, 2012

Miracles really do happen...Part II

The following videos show the resurrection of the tractor from the ditch.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Luke Converse and (Pastor) Jack Delaney for making this possible so quickly after Bob's "little mishap" on Saturday. 

Amazingly, there is only minor cosmetic damage to the tractor AND it actually runs!  When Bob started it up, the tractor puffed some smoke for a minute but then hummed right along as though nothing ever happened!  The mower deck is slightly out of alignment but I probably would be too if I was suddenly flipped upside down in a ditch and left there for a couple of days! ;-)

THE FLIP: (sorry for the slight movement in filming skills - I was trying to get a better vantage point!)
Anyone NOT believing in the power of our amazing God, seriously needs to reconsider especially after reading my previous post and seeing these videos!  There is no way that Bob could've survived without HIS helping hand!


  1. Oh Teri, how scary. We're SO grateful that Bob is ok. It's clear you understand just how much Gods hand was on him that day. Praise the Lord!

  2. That looked pretty scary!!! I'm glad Bob is ok, could have been much worse. Although I love your video skills, your commentating skills need I head "Oh my gosh", "Boy that doesn't seem like a good idea" and "wow". That made me chuckle. But I am glad Bob is ok and you "talked" him into going to the hospital. Better to be safe when it comes to hits on the head.
