Monday, August 27, 2012

One year later...

I've been posting several "non-Quincy" posts lately (of which I was recently reminded, no names mentioned, K*!!Y).  :-)  So I thought it was time to make a post about Q again especially since last week we celebrated our one year anniversary since we added him to our family!

It's really hard to believe that we've had Q for one year already.  Whew, where in the world did THAT year go?!  One of his favorite past-times is soaking up the sun.  He just lays on the back step and soaks up all the sunshine he can absorb, sometimes for really long periods of time.  We don't really like to leave him out unattended because we've seen some huge HAWKS fly by and we know that he's just about the right size for lunch!
Who's the cutest boy e.v.e.r.??

Ok, I know I'm partial but you have to admit, he's a real cutie!

1 comment:

  1. He's very cute! We celebrate The day we brought Phinley home as his "gotcha day" because it's when we got him :) I'm so glad he's part of your family!
