Saturday, September 10, 2011

no leash required

Whew, what a horrible few days for so many people who experienced all the devastation in so many areas of Central PA and other locations of PA and NY due to the flooding this week.  Our hearts go out to all those who were affected!  We had no phone or DSL for about two days straight but it seems to be back in service now - THANK YOU Verizon!!

As puppy parents, we're trying to introduce Quincy to as many new things as possible like:
  • learning to walk/run along side of my electric wheelchair (still working on that one - no photo available yet).
  • exercising as recommended by the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, on the Nat Geo channel.  Cesar says that all dogs need exercise and what better way to provide them exercise than this...

I think he's getting the hang of it! Now when we put the treadmill in the walk position from the upright/storage position, Quincy hops right up on it and just looks at us as if to say, "what are you waiting for?"!  Way to go Q! (Video taken with my new Sony Bloggie - LOVE IT!  Thanks Aunt Tammy for the tip!)

By the way, YES, that's more '80s music, in case you were wondering...gotta love the '80s! :-)


  1. Oh my gosh - this is ADORABLE! LOVE IT! My dad puts his golden retriever on the treadmill, but it is completely adorable to see a Yorkie on one! What a great post!

  2. I love this idea! If we had a treadmill I'd definitely get Phinley going on it :0P
