Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cute factor - off the charts!

I had a short visit from my little buddy, Nolan, earlier in the month so I just HAD to grab my camera and snap away.  I don't think I've ever seen an infant smile as much as this little guy...he's SO much fun to photograph. 

I don't really have a dedicated space to do photos so we placed my $15 beanbag from Walmart on the spare bed and tossed a blanket over it for the mini-shoot.  I was backed up as far as I could go against the wall trying to shoot these photos - I wish I would've had just a tad bit more room but hey, we were just wingin' it!  Sometimes, you just have to go with it.

Warning: cute factor: 10!
You know that Quincy just HAD to be part of the shoot.  He absolutely LOVED Nolan as you can see from the kisses below! 
Didn't I warn you?  This guy is just the cutest little thing around!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, he is ADORABLE! What a happy little man! :)
