Monday, July 30, 2012

Our Bentley has finally arrived...

Well, not really our Bentley and no, it's he's not the kind of Bentley you drive!  :-)

This is Bentley...
Bentley belongs to our friend Alli who introduced us to our breeder, Robin, just about a year ago.  Alli has waited for the perfect time to get her own little furry friend and she finally picked this little guy up from her breeder in NY state two weeks ago.  He's 14 weeks old and SO tiny and cute, weighing just about 3 lbs - thats half the size of Quincy!  He's probably going to remain a tiny little thing since his parents are fairly small AND he doesn't have the tell-tale signs of a big dog in the making...the paws!

Time will tell.

Bentley and Quincy had a really fun play date on Saturday...

Here are a couple of the photos of B from his very first photo shoot (such a pro, isn't he?!)...
This is our friend Alli.  Isn't she just beautiful!?  They're both incredibly photogenic!  B was so extremely tired after playing with Q that he couldn't hold his eyes open.  He was such a good sport while we tried do to our little photo shoot! 

Can't wait for another play-date!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! What a neat post :) Thank you so much! You are too good to us! We had such a great time visiting you, Bob, and little Q! What a blessing you all are :)
